VR Simulation - Visual Impairment
VR Simulation for our initial group assignment:
We collaborated closely with SRF (Synskadades Riksförbund) to create a simulation depicting the experience of visual impairment. We strived to replicate it as accurately as possible, referring to real-life examples. We strived to replicate it as accurately as possible, which was quite challenging, like trying to describe the color green to someone who has never seen it.
In this project, I set up the VR inputs despite having no prior experience, as our VR course is scheduled for later this year. Additionally, I handled optimization, migration, and a bit of design work.
Experience real-life scenarios challenging for those with visual impairments:
Choose from three different types of visual impairments, with adjustable intensity levels.
Dynamic day and night cycles simulate difficulties associated with bright sunlight and complete darkness, enhancing realism.
VR controls for version 5.3: Play the simulation using a controller instead of teleporting to a location